
ChalkieRichard Hopp
is our resident club coach available for personal and group coaching.  Junior Coaching normally runs from Easter until the Autumn half-term holiday.

Each school term we have after-school courses for different age groups on Wednesdays, and coaching sessions during each school holiday. Session times vary from 30 minutes for the youngest beginners up to 3 hours for teen Academy-style coaching.

How do I book:  get in touch with Richard Hopp, 07904 069457 or to book your place.

Easter holidays – Junior coaching

6th April – 9th April £30

4×45 minutes each day from 9.30am – 1pm

Spring/Summer term – Junior after school coaching

The Wednesday Graffham after school tennis club coaching 2023

19th April – 24thMay £54

7th June – 19th July £63

How do I book:  get in touch with Richard Hopp, 07904 069457 or to book your place..

Children booked on this course will get priority booking for the remaining after school course for this year.

Rusty Racquets

Calling all tennis players that haven’t been on court for a while and would like to get back into playing!!

Dates:   Every Wednesday or Friday from 19th April 2023

Time:     1.45 – 2.45pm -Wedesday / 4.30 to 5.30pm – Friday

Cost:      £60 for the course of 6 weeks

Numbers:  Minimum 4, maximum 8

Who’s it for:  Anyone that hasn’t played in a while or even ever, that would like to learn the basics of the game with like minded people in a fun and relaxed session.

What happens in the session:  We’ll look at a different aspect of the game each week, learn how to do it properly, practice it in some routines and then use it in some match play.

How do I book?

Get in touch with Richard Hopp, 07904 069457 or to book your place..

Coaching terms and conditions

This is a voluntary, non-profit making scheme. All participants are required to be individual, family or junior members of Graffham Tennis Club, paid-up before attending any coaching. Richard Hopp is obliged to share the attendee details with the committee for the purposes of checking membership status.

For further coaching information, please email or

Junior Coaching is always over-subscribed so please BOOK EARLY !

Note that course bookings are secured ONLY on receipt of full payment in advance.