Our court booking has been migrated over to the LTA system due to the previous vendor implementing a $500 per year charge from the start of 2024. The website has been updated with the new booking page embeded, or you can link to it directly at https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/graffhamtennisclub/Booking
- All existing bookings have been transferred to the new LTA booking system
- If you are an LTA member already simply use your LTA login (same as used in the Wimbledon ballot) to make a booking
- If you aren’t a member of the LTA yet, which is free, the first time you try to book a court you will be asked to create a log in.
- The only information you will be asked for is:
i. First Name / Last Name
ii. DOB / Gender
iii. Email address
iv. User Name
v. Password
This new booking system is very simple to use and comes as part of our LTA venue registration.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
Graffham Tennis Club